Saturday, March 28, 2009

Spring Break!

OMGOSH!!! So first off I would like to thank Michellena Flark for writing about me in her awesome blogs! OH MY! I have so much to write about! Okay so I pretty much think that this is the most amazing spring break of my entire exsistence! So last Friday I decided to spend my first day of freedom with one of my best friends, yes it's Michelle for those of you who are crazy and don't already know this information. Cara was also hanging out with us, and we were relaxing on the trampoline and eating everything in the kitchen. I absoulutly love hanging out at Michelle's house because it's just one of my favorite places to be because I love her family and the food that is in her refrigerator! Well anyways, later that night, with Michelle's family, we went to Walmart at midnight to buy the sad Twilight movie (don't get me wrong, Twilight is awesome, the movie needs some enhancements, Taylor Lautner is not one of things that needs to be enhanced). We went back to her house, ate pizza, and watched Twilight. Cara also came back over and after the movie I ended up staying the night at her house. Oh for those of you who don't even know, my family went to South Dakota over break, allowing me to become Nomadic! YES! On Saturday, Cara and I tanned, ate some Ice Cream, and planned to go to the movie's with Hannah, Tommie, and the Wakeham family (cousin Included!). We went to see I Love you Man but didn't get to see the Wakehams do to them stopping to eat and missing the movie. Luckily Jake and I talked and planned to go Cosmic Bowling all night! That was awesome. All together, Me, Cara, Hannah, Bre, Tommie, Jessee, Jake, Ruben, Jordan, and Nick, bowled. Woah thats a mouth full. I ended being dropped off my Jake and Ruben at 3am. But that night wasn't over because I got a phone call from Bre and Cara asking to stay the night. We went to bed at 4am and woke up at 9am. On Sunday, I went to play some awesome tennis with Hannah and her little sister Larrisa. It got intense. After, I dinned with the Wiebelhaus's and played some awesome wii! Monday, I went prom shoe shopping with Hannah and she got a killer pair that are just so cute! That day it smelled like cows, thanks to all the wind. Michelle came over after Hannah dropped me off and we made some awesome brown sugar and milk mask! It actually works and it tastes really good so you should def try it! Because Michelle and I are ultimate psychos, we decided to go to the hot tub, and bring my brothers nasty axe soup with us. Lets just say it was a bubble wonderland! It pretty much was the coolest thing of my life. But we went back to my house and filled up my mom's bubble bath (with swimsuits) and soaked, and ate ice cream. It was like an awesome movie! We then sat in our robes and watched Mama Mia. That night I stayed at Michelle's house. Okay so Tuesday...I'm gonna have to say it was the best day of my break. Michelle and I woke up and decided to do some crazy dancing with her sisters to Miley Cyrus! It was bomb. Then I decided to have this huge glass of milk and then go for a 2.5 mile run... yea you could tell I had my thinking cap on that day! I pretty much almost threw up because let me tell ya, milk does not set well with a 2.5mile run! Anyways after that evilness, and back at Michelle's house, Cara came over and we decided to chill on the tramp. All of a sudden Michelle gets this phone call from this one kid who is currently resideing in Utah. Yes yes, it was a glorious moment. Michelle is now "walking on sunshine". It was such a happy moment, gee the whole day just was a happy day. After Michelle was "walking on sunshine", we went back to Cara's to get ready to go see "The Knowing", with Ruben and Jake. While we were getting ready, Jake asked me to his prom! I guess you could say I was "walking on sunshine" along with Michelle because this is going to be my first prom ever! Woot! Anyways, we all met up with Bre, Ruben and Jake at Chillies before "The Knowing". That was more exciting than the movie which I would recommend NO ONE see. But after the movie all of us hung out, played video games and went to the waffle house at 3am. It was so delicious! Our watress was, lets just say NOT "walking on sunshine". Michelle, Cara, and Bre ended up staying the night with me. In the end that was one of the awesomest spring break days! Wednesday was boring because I slept when everyone left and had to finish "Into the Wild". Ugh... but I stayed the night at Flark's house which made my day! Thursday I was freakin out because it was gonna blizzard! But my aunt picked me up, dropped my dog off at my grandma's and brought me back to her house. There I wrestled with the little children and played some sweet Zelda! Friday I stayed at me aunt and uncles and built this snow cave that would be perfect for a little midget family! It's Saturday now and I am still at my aunt and uncles.... bored yes.. but I'm still "walking on sunshine"